We now take Visa and Mastercard, as well as debit and cash. Don’t forget about our alternative payment methods, such as volunteering in exchange for credit towards bike parts!
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The Good Life’s Space Hunt
August 20th, 2012
Good Life Community Bicycle Shop looks ahead: seeking permanent space
The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop is looking for a new permanent space! The short-term lease on the shop’s current home in Kensington’s Anthill Building is expiring in May 2013. The search is now on for a new home, where we can set down roots and grow, for at least the next 3 years. If a long-term, sustainable, solution cannot be found, the shop may once again find itself unable to serve the community.
Market Collective
FYI bike kids: Market Collective will be happening this weekend (July 21 & 22) thus Good Life Bikes will be closed on Friday July 20 (so the Market Collective people can set up) and Saturday July 21. Good Life will be moving out to the parking lot beside the Anthill Building on Sunday July 22 during Sun & Salsa Fest (for more info, check http:// www.visitkensington.com/ events-manager/sun-and-salsa) with a much smaller work area and bike valet parking. See you out in the streets.