We are always accepting bike, component, and accessory donations. Please drop off donations any time during our opening hours. Bikes can be in any condition and of any shape or size. You can park right in front of the shop at 4th Street S.W.
Please note that, unfortunately, we do not have the resources to pick up bikes.
There are three things that might happen to your bike once you donate it:
- It will go to one of our Earn-a-Bike youth programs that we do with Two Wheel View. It will go to a child who has completed one of our 8 week programs. Please visit Two Wheel View’s website for more information.
- The Good Life Community will sell the bike at the shop or give it away via our work-trade program. Revenue generated from donated bikes is what keeps our shop alive, covering about 70% of our costs and bringing us closer to sustainability beyond depending on grants.
- Unusable bikes will be stripped of useable parts and recycled. Way better than bringing it to dump!